Book of convict appearances, Copenhagen 1807–1832

Im/mobilisation of the workforce
Danish language

Frederik Aastradsen Bagger, Louise Bundgaard, Mie Dodensig, Annesofie Ebbesen, Jonas Foldager, Iben Landbo Gregersen, Thomas Haaber, Jamison Isabeau Helstrup, Malthe Gammelmark Jürgensen, Steffan Klockmann, Sofie Othilia Knudsen, Kamilla Matthiassen, Niklas Lolholm Monhof, Eva Rosalie Buch Nielsen, Tobias Aske Heltborg Nielsen, Albert Mellergaard Olsen, Fiona Gesine Otten, Anne Katrine Holm Pedersen, Patrick Alexander Skov, Tania Sini Vorbeck, Louise Willingsøe and Johan Heinsen

Aalborg University


October 21, 2022


The dataset is a digitised version of a book of convict appearances kept at the prison “Stokhusslaveriet” in nineteenth-century Copenhagen. From 1807 onwards, the appearances of convicts were recorded at their entry in order to advertise them if they escaped. Until 1820, however, the book was not kept continuously. The book was organised in a table with three columns: Name, a number, and the description. These are replicated here as the columns “Name”, “Number” and “Text”. In addition, each entry has been assigned a unique ID (“Id”) and a reference key (“SLAVE_ID”) linking to another dataset. The data was transcribed by the authors as part of a digital history class in the BA-programme in History at Aalborg University in the fall of 2021, held by Johan Heinsen. The data was partially transcribed manually, and partially by training and employing an HTR-model in Transkribus. The model is available upon request via the contact e-mail.


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